By the sea, for the sea

Photo: Angelo Virag, Luka Ašanin With a collaboration with Krie Design, ACI, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean, is planning to start another new trend oriented towards encouraging positive changes that will ensure environmental protection in Croatia For centuries, the Adriatic Sea, with its crystal clear waters and rich in marine life, has been […]
Looking for a way to optimise your media mix?

New channels offer additional optimisation to most media campaigns. One type are the digital displays called Fitness TV, and another the digital display networks that can be seen in commercial buildings and marinas. Back in 1919, John Wanamaker, the American who pioneered the concept of the department store as well as the idea of marketing, […]
Steven Živko Pavletić – Do something great

Photo: Private Archives The renowned Croatian scientist and medical doctor is one of the greatest authorities on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the world Steven Živko Pavletić is a renowned Croatian internist, haematologist and oncologist, and an internationally recognised authority on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. He is the head of the autoimmunity and bone marrow […]
Edward Norton – Chameleon actor

Photo: WENN/PIXSELL The American actor, director and producer gained fame by acting in many widely acclaimed films, and his versatility and talent for transformation have led to him being one of the most respected actors of his generation Edward Norton, perhaps one of the most unusual gems in Hollywood, is fascinating and unpredictable at the […]
Nicole Kidman – True Diva

Photo: Omega Watches The great Australian actress made a name for herself by acting in films such as Eyes Wide Shut, Moulin Rouge, and The Hours, and her activism and charity work are proof that the art is a powerful tool to bring about positive changes in the world When talking about today’s iconic actresses, […]

Photo: Miho Bakalić On the coast of the Adriatic Sea, there are more than a thousand and five hundred harbours and bays that offer safe mooring. Not only is boating tourism experiencing steady growth but it is also facing global challenges related to environmentally friendly technologies and the protection of environmental sustainability, which it must […]
Rijeka’s hub of learning and ideas

Photo: Yacht Club de Monaco, Udruga primijenjenih tehničkih znanosti The Association of Applied Technical Sciences from Rijeka bases its projects on developing experimental vessels on modern technologies and engineering ethics, with special emphasis on sustainability The Latin phrase Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse (meaning ‘to sail is necessary, to live is not necessary’) […]